<H1> fast.ai—Making neural nets uncool again </H1> |
<H3> Blog </H3> |
A New Chapter for fast.ai: How To Solve It With Code
</H3> |
In defense of screen time
</H3> |
A new old kind of R&D lab
</H3> |
Can LLMs learn from a single example?
</H3> |
AI and Power: The Ethical Challenges of Automation, Centralization, and Scale
</H3> |
AI Safety and the Age of Dislightenment
</H3> |
Is Avoiding Extinction from AI Really an Urgent Priority?
</H3> |
Mojo may be the biggest programming language advance in decades
</H3> |
From Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion
</H3> |
GPT 4 and the Uncharted Territories of Language
</H3> |
I was an AI researcher. Now, I am an immunology student.
</H3> |
1st Two Lessons of From Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion
</H3> |
Deep Learning Foundations Signup, Open Source Scholarships, & More
</H3> |
From Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion
</H3> |
My family’s unlikely homeschooling journey
</H3> |
The Jupyter+git problem is now solved
</H3> |
nbdev+Quarto: A new secret weapon for productivity
</H3> |
Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022
</H3> |
Masks for COVID: Updating the evidence
</H3> |
Qualitative humanities research is crucial to AI
</H3> |
AI Harms are Societal, Not Just Individual
</H3> |
There’s no such thing as not a math person
</H3> |
7 Great Lightning Talks Related to Data Science Ethics
</H3> |
Doing Data Science for Social Good, Responsibly
</H3> |
Avoiding Data Disasters
</H3> |
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairment of Endothelial Function Does Not Impact Vaccine Safety
</H3> |
Statistical problems found when studying Long Covid in kids
</H3> |
Medicine is Political
</H3> |
Inaccuracies, irresponsible coverage, and conflicts of interest in The New Yorker
</H3> |
Australia can, and must, get R under 1.0
</H3> |
Getting Specific about AI Risks (an AI Taxonomy)
</H3> |
11 Short Videos About AI Ethics
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fastai A Layered API for Deep Learning
</H3> |
fastdownload: the magic behind one of the famous 4 lines of code
</H3> |
Is GitHub Copilot a blessing, or a curse?
</H3> |
fastchan, a new conda mini-distribution
</H3> |
20 Years of Tech Startup Experiences in One Hour
</H3> |
I violated a code of conduct
</H3> |
Avoiding the smoke - how to breath clean air
</H3> |
fast.ai releases new deep learning course, four libraries, and 600-page book
</H3> |
Forward from the ‘Deep Learning for Coders’ Book
</H3> |
Applied Data Ethics, a new free course, is essential for all working in tech
</H3> |
Essential Work-From-Home Advice: Cheap and Easy Ergonomic Setups
</H3> |
Cloth masks can protect the wearer
</H3> |
Particle sizes for mask filtration
</H3> |
Introducing the first cohort of USF CADE Data Ethics Research Fellows
</H3> |
Masks - FAQ for Skeptics
</H3> |
Masks for all? The science says yes.
</H3> |
6 Important Videos about Tech, Ethics, Policy, and Government
</H3> |
Saving The Mask
</H3> |
Covid-19, your community, and you - a data science perspective
</H3> |
Disinformation: what it is, why it’s pervasive, and proposed regulations
</H3> |
Tech Ethics Crisis: The Big Picture, and How We Got Here
</H3> |
4 Principles for Responsible Government Use of Technology
</H3> |
Blogging with Jupyter Notebooks
</H3> |
Your own blog with GitHub Pages and fast_template (4 part tutorial)
</H3> |
Blogging with screenshots
</H3> |
Syncing your blog with your PC, and using your word processor
</H3> |
Your own hosted blog, the easy, free, open way (even if you’re not a computer expert)
</H3> |
Self-supervised learning and computer vision
</H3> |
Data project checklist
</H3> |
nbdev: use Jupyter Notebooks for everything
</H3> |
Concerned about the impacts of data misuse? Ways to get involved with the USF Center for Applied Data Ethics
</H3> |
The problem with metrics is a big problem for AI
</H3> |
8 Things You Need to Know about Surveillance
</H3> |
Make Delegation Work in Python
</H3> |
USF Launches New Center of Applied Data Ethics
</H3> |
new fast.ai course: A Code-First Introduction to Natural Language Processing
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Deep Learning from the Foundations
</H3> |
A LaTeX add-in for PowerPoint - my father’s day project
</H3> |
Was this Google Executive deeply misinformed or lying in the New York Times?
</H3> |
Advice for Better Blog Posts
</H3> |
Decrappification, DeOldification, and Super Resolution
</H3> |
16 Things You Can Do to Make Tech More Ethical, part 3
</H3> |
16 Things You Can Do to Make Tech More Ethical, part 2
</H3> |
16 Things You Can Do to Make Tech More Ethical, part 1
</H3> |
fast.ai Embracing Swift for Deep Learning
</H3> |
A Conversation about Tech Ethics with the New York Times Chief Data Scientist
</H3> |
Dairy farming, solar panels, and diagnosing Parkinson’s disease: what can you do with deep learning?
</H3> |
fastec2: AWS computer management for regular folks
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fastec2 script: Running and monitoring long-running tasks
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Some thoughts on zero-day threats in AI, and OpenAI’s GPT-2
</H3> |
Five Things That Scare Me About AI
</H3> |
fast.ai Diversity Fellows and Sponsors Wanted
</H3> |
Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2019
</H3> |
C++11, random distributions, and Swift
</H3> |
High Performance Numeric Programming with Swift: Explorations and Reflections
</H3> |
One year of deep learning
</H3> |
The new fast.ai research datasets collection, on AWS Open Data
</H3> |
fastai v1 for PyTorch: Fast and accurate neural nets using modern best practices
</H3> |
Introduction to Machine Learning for Coders: Launch
</H3> |
AI Ethics Resources
</H3> |
What You Need to Know Before Considering a PhD
</H3> |
Practical Deep Learning for Coders, part-time Diversity Fellowships, Fall 2018
</H3> |
Now anyone can train Imagenet in 18 minutes
</H3> |
What HBR Gets Wrong About Algorithms and Bias
</H3> |
Google’s AutoML: Cutting Through the Hype
</H3> |
An Opinionated Introduction to AutoML and Neural Architecture Search
</H3> |
What do machine learning practitioners actually do?
</H3> |
AdamW and Super-convergence is now the fastest way to train neural nets
</H3> |
Launching Cutting Edge Deep Learning for Coders: 2018 edition
</H3> |
Training Imagenet in 3 hours for USD 25; and CIFAR10 for USD 0.26
</H3> |
An Introduction to Deep Learning for Tabular Data
</H3> |
What you need to know about Facebook and Ethics
</H3> |
A Discussion about Accessibility in AI at Stanford
</H3> |
Adding Data Science to your College Curriculum
</H3> |
Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2018
</H3> |
International Fellowship applications for Part 2 now open
</H3> |
New Opportunities For New Deep Learning Practitioners
</H3> |
Five Trends to Avoid When Founding a Startup
</H3> |
Deep Learning Diversity Fellowship Applications Now Open
</H3> |
Making Peace with Personal Branding
</H3> |
What you need to do deep learning
</H3> |
How (and why) to create a good validation set
</H3> |
When Data Science Destabilizes Democracy and Facilitates Genocide
</H3> |
Credible sources of accurate information about AI
</H3> |
Can Neural Nets Detect Sexual Orientation? A Data Scientist’s Perspective
</H3> |
Introducing Pytorch for fast.ai
</H3> |
International Fellowship applications for Part 1 now open
</H3> |
Notes on state of the art techniques for language modeling
</H3> |
Advice to Medical Experts Interested in AI
</H3> |
Sponsor a Deep Learning Diversity Scholarship
</H3> |
Diversity Crisis in AI, 2017 edition
</H3> |
Announcing fast.ai diversity scholarships
</H3> |
Thoughts on OpenAI, reinforcement learning, and killer robots
</H3> |
Cutting Edge Deep Learning for Coders: Launching Deep Learning Part 2
</H3> |
New fast.ai course: Computational Linear Algebra
</H3> |
How to Encourage Your Child’s Interest in Science and Tech
</H3> |
Alternatives to a Degree to Prove Yourself in Deep Learning
</H3> |
To become a data scientist, focus on coding
</H3> |
Machine learning hasn’t been commoditized yet, but that doesn’t mean you need a PhD
</H3> |
How to change careers and become a data scientist - one quant’s experience
</H3> |
Deep Learning: Not Just for Silicon Valley
</H3> |
Deep Learning For Coders - Full notes and transcripts now available
</H3> |
Diversity and International Fellowships for Deep Learning Part 2
</H3> |
Practical Deep Learning Part 2 - Integrating Recent Advances and Classic Machine Learning
</H3> |
Big deep learning news: Google Tensorflow chooses Keras
</H3> |
Where is AI/ML actually adding value at your company?
</H3> |
The Deep Learning MOOC is now available!
</H3> |
(Update - problem resolved!) Azure and AWS’s ‘GPU general availability’ lies
</H3> |
So you are interested in deep learning
</H3> |
How should you structure your Data Science and Engineering teams?
</H3> |
It used to be called big data and now it’s called deep learning
</H3> |
Additional Diversity Fellowship, New International Fellowships, and Deadline Extended to 10/17
</H3> |
New Electricity
</H3> |
The Diversity Crisis in AI, and fast.ai Diversity Fellowship
</H3> |
What We Will Cover in the First Deep Learning Certificate
</H3> |
Providing a Good Education in Deep Learning
</H3> |
A unique path to deep learning expertise
</H3> |
The First Certificate in Deep Learning
</H3> |
Launching fast.ai
</H3> |
<H5> Categories </H5> |
Social Data
Cost and overhead previously rendered this semi-public form of communication unfeasible.
But advances in social networking technology from 2004-2010 has made broader concepts of sharing possible.